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Introducing Our Team – Meet Mafalda Gomes

Meet Mafalda: a marketer and office manager who knows how to throw high kicks and read birth charts! Posted onby Exaud

Meet Mafalda: she’s part of the Exaud marketing team and our office manager.
Besides taking care of the team, she knows how to throw high kicks and is into true crime and astrology.

Tell us a bit about your background and experience.

I have a bachelor degree in Science Communication by Minho’s University and at the moment, I’m enrolled in the Marketing Master’s Degree at Porto Economics Faculty. 
I started working in retail right before finishing my bachelor degree and it taught me a lot! I’m a firm believer that everyone should have, at least, one retail work experience. Nothing will incute humility and patience better than that! The coolest thing about it was being able to directly collaborate with the marketing team and I even created the brand’s very first instagram account.
Once I finished my degree, I got the importunity of joining a video production company as an intern. There, I developed other skills, such as film production, account and project management, copywriting and overall, how to turn into a Swiss army knife since I had to perform and excel at different tasks.

Since then, I’ve worked in two different companies and became experienced in B2B marketing and sales.
Joining Exaud is a breath of fresh air and super exciting since I have several acquaintances that work on software development companies and I find it to be a fascinating and fast pacing growing market. I’m eager to learn more and grow as a marketeer in this sector.

What inspired to pursue a career in Marketing?

I think I was always meant to be a marketer! I was a weird child and had a crazy sleep schedule. Until I was 5, I’d stay up during the night, watch late night telemarketing commercials and memorize them to happily recite everything to my family the next day. Funny, right? In college, I pursued a communication course because I obviously love advertising and that eventually took me to the master’s in Marketing. It’s a fascinating area. I love anything related to consumer behaviour, the research, the leads’ chase, and how much we can be attached to brands and companies just because they’re amazing strategists and communicators.

How would your family and friends describe you?

Outgoing, witty and resilient! I love socialising and I’m an incurable extrovert. My mom says I always have a comeback on the tip of my tongue and that my wit drives her mad but also assures her that I’ll always be able to stand up for myself.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

I’m always busy doing something.
I write and post about plus size fashion on Instagram and fortunately have been able to work with a few brands which is awesome.
I also practice Muay Thai 4 times per week and my goal is to start competing as an athlete this year. 
Aside from that, I spend a lot of time listening to true crime and paranormal podcasts, going to the movies with my boyfriend and eating my weight in popcorn, playing with my cat and pet bunny, reading, watching netflix and checking astrology memes on Instagram. 

Where would you like to go on vacation if you had a month off and money was no object?

I have two dream trips: Japan and the U.S.!
I’d visit Japan, all the way from Hokkaido to Okinawa, eat all the takoyaki available in the country and then, hop on a plane, arrive in California and cross the U.S. by van until I’d reach New York-
Working at Exaud is more than just a job. Want to come along for the ride? We’re always looking for great people to join us. Check our current openings here and meet other members of Exaud’s team.


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