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Introducing Our Team – André Gonçalves

We’re happy to introduce André Gonçalves, who has been a valuable member of our Business Development team for some time now. Discover more about his role and hobbies outside of work in this interview. Posted onby André Gonçalves

We’re happy to introduce André Gonçalves, who has been a valuable member of our Business Development team for some time now. Discover more about his role and hobbies outside of work in this interview.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what inspired you to apply to work as Business Development Manager at Exaud.

Combining my passion for sales with my interest in software, I knew that applying for this position was the perfect fit for me. I feel lucky to have been selected, and now I have the opportunity to work with people from whom I learn something new every day.

What do you enjoy working on most and what is the hardest thing about your job?

I think this answer is probably similar to that of thousands of people working in multiple sales roles. The best part is seeing how our team can help clients all over the world improve their products and achieve their goals. The hardest part for me personally is the lack of feedback from some prospects.

When you’re not working what do you do for fun?

I enjoy dancing salsa and hiking. It depends on the weather and what time of day I’m free, but usually, salsa is my top choice, and hiking works as a recovery activity. I also enjoy working out in the gym, swimming, and playing team sports with my Exaud buddies!

What’s your favorite TV series or book that you’ve been enjoying lately?

Currently, I’m not following any TV series regularly, although I do watch brief snippets of House of the Dragon during meals. At the moment, I’m immersed in reading Metabolical by Dr. Robert Lustig.

Which famous person, dead or alive, would like by your side during a zombie apocalypse?

I’d rather have my loved ones by my side so I can care for them than have a famous person slow us down in our zombie-fighting journey, but I guess anyone slow enough to use as bait would work 🙂


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