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Introducing Our Team – Meet Guilherme Pelayo

Meet our new Junior Developer, Guilherme Pelayo. He recently joined Exaud and today we’re getting to know him better! Posted onby Exaud

Meet our new team member Guilherme!

Guilherme started his academic pursuits in Electrical but always kept an eye on software development. An internship changed it all and now he’s part of Exaud. Learn more about him:

Tell us a bit about yourself and why you became a developer.

My original academic education is in Electrical and computer engineering, but over the years, the software side of my degree started to feel more appealing. In my 4th year I worked as an intern in an animation studio and fell in love with the development process especially when the goal is to appeal or entertain people.

You just finished your thesis: what was the most challenging part and how did you overcome the academic blues and challenges?

The most challenging part was the coordination between the research center I was doing the internship at and the university. In the end, overcoming those challenges became primarily about persevering until the end, even when it started to seem like it wouldn’t. 

If you didn’t pursue this career what do you think you’d be doing right now?

Maybe I would have become a pharmacist.

Fun Facts:

What’s your favorite childhood movie and which one is your current favorite?

I think my favourite movie when I was smaller was Hercules the animated picture. Nowadays I watch more tv shows then movies, but right now I would recommend ‘Videodrome’ by David Cronenberg. Not my absolute favorite movie but a very good one.

In which video game universe would you like to live and why?

I never thought about wanting to live in a video game universe but if I had to choose I would say Skyrim or Fallout. Both are pretty dangerous but seem fun.

If you could magically speak any language fluently, which one would you pick?


Working at Exaud is more than just a job. Want to come along for the ride? We’re always looking for great people to join us. Check our current openings here and meet other members of Exaud’s team.


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