Exaud Blog

EXAUD & CCPH: Community in the Spotlight Event
Exaud had the pleasure of participating in another great CCPH initiative: Community in the Spotlight. Learn all about it! Posted onby ExaudLast Thursday, we had the pleasure of participating in another great CCPH initiative: Community in the Spotlight.
Five companies, including Exaud, took the challenge of introducing themselves and their services, as well as sharing the coping mechanisms and initiatives they introduced for the past year in order to adapt to the pandemic situation.
After the presentations, we had a breakout session where each team had to discuss and solve a challenge related to digital business development with the help of moderators that encouraged every participant to share their thoughts. We had the pleasure of having Artur Poluektov, from Koos Design as our moderator, who made our breakout session more interactive thanks to his design thinking approach.
We’d like to thank Marjon and Jearina for inviting us as speakers in this first session and to everyone who was present in the event.
If you’re looking for Digital Transformation solutions, we’ll be more than happy to help you find the right custom software assets thanks to our know-how in technological consultancy and industry expertise.
Get in touch with us: hello@exaud.com
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