Exaud Blog

The (Probably) Long Lasting Impact of Covid-19 on Software Development
Although the pandemic will eventually pass at some point, we can’t deny the impact of new behaviours and changes on software development. Posted onby ExaudAlthough the pandemic will eventually pass at some point, we can’t deny the impact of new behaviours and catalyst changes that accompanied the Covid-19 crisis.
It goes beyond consumer behaviour, making way for shifts in all industries, the software development one included, which will require engineers to be highly adaptable and focus on resilient software.
For starters, we should consider the software product strategy. We already understood that software is an essential to pretty much every business in every industry. As software development organisations, we should be able to revisit our software strategy, from how customers do business with us (either we’re talking about B2C or B2B), to channels of engagement, prioritising the needs and experience of the user, including a customer journey that is both functional and elegant.
Secondly, how we work will forever be affected.
With the pandemic it became clear that working remotely is not a luxury but a legitimate and trustworthy alternative to our everyday house-office routine. It’s possible to handle and manage a team remotely with the right collaboration, conference and even pair-programming tools. It’s crucial to get started with a culture that allows developers to work anywhere at any time. Plus, we do have an article with our best advice on how to get started with remote work.
Thirdly and lastly, outsourcing will be proven as a completely game-changing solution in the long run.
Allowing companies to hire offshore teams in areas less affected by the pandemic and hopefully with competitive offers with high quality standards, will allow to diffuse enterprise risks in all industries looking for software development solutions that don’t want to go full on risqué on hiring an in-source team. It’s also changing our perspective on outsourcing gigs, evolving concepts like ‘developers on hire’ to ‘long term strategic partners’.
Outsourcing is not an option narrowed down to large companies, since it can be suited for startups and SME, leveraging the benefits of incubation without handling the other costs such as new hires or relocation of the team. And yes, we also have a complete blog post on how to select the perfect outsourcing partner.
In your opinion, what changes do you think will be here in software development long run?
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