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droidcon Lisbon 2022: It’s good to be back!

After 3 years without joining Android nerds to discuss one of our team’s favourite topics, it felt great to go back to droidcon! Posted onby Exaud

After 3 years without joining Android nerds to discuss one of our team’s favourite topics, it felt great to go back to one of the greatest IT industry’s events: droidcon! If you’ve been following us for a while, you probably know that we’ve been happy in more than one droidcon, namely London, and of course Lisbon’s first edition back in 2019!

And of course, it only made sense if we could share our opinion on the latest edition after 3 years without any sort of ‘droid fun: 

‘Droidcon LX 22 showed that what’s “in” in Android these days is Jetpack Compose and Flutter, as there were many presentations focused on those technologies.
Flutter was very cherished in some of the most interesting presentations, and while I still don’t know if it’s better than React Native, its Canvas has got me intrigued.

Another popular technology at the convention was Kotlin Multiplatform, so I wonder, can a world where different types of mobile developers are united for a common good become a reality in the near future?
There was also a lot of awareness for unit testing and different forms of automation.
Finally, props to Benjamin Kadel’s presentation where we explored the cave that is the .git folder, and for the organisation and their food table, always well composed.’ – Gil Moutinho, Software Developer

‘Tests, tests and tests! It was great to see the dev community concerned with Unit Tests considering they are an essencial step to properly develop an Android application. Unit tests have been highly devalued by developers, wether due to laziness, ignorance or lack of time. Unfortunately, I’m not able to apply some of these processes on my current projects since I’m working with Unity (C#). After three years, it was great to go back to droidcon and I’m sure we’ll be there next year!’ – João Meireles, Software Developer

‘Droidcon Lisbon 2022 was an enriching experienced, allowing us to know and dig into different technologies, as well as the reality, challenges and methods of other professionals from the industry. I particularly enjoyed the approach to Kotlin and Flutter, which were the technologies that definitely charmed and picked my interest!
I’d also like to shout out at Chrystuan Vieyra and Rebecca Vieyra presentation on smartphone sensors applied to daily and professional activities and its’ amazing precision, that exemplified perfectly the wide range of possibilities an Android device provides, including the usage of said sensors for environmental parameters.’ – Samuel Mota, Junior Software Developer

As someone who’s work isn’t focused on mobile development, I found interesting to see so many transversal topics such as Git, code review and testing.’ – José Cruz, Software Developer

Droidcon Lisbon 2022 was an amazing experience! From a designer’s perspective, the introduction to Jetpack Compose by Carlos Mota, was a breath of fresh air for anyone who explores and implements UI. I must mention Xavier F. Gouchet presentation on Benchmarking and its’ relevant insights. On the other hand, I’d love to see more on mobile VR and AR, which wasn’t as explored in the event. I’m thankful for this opportunity and for my colleagues guidance whenever I felt a little bit out of sync with the subject! – Jorge Texeira, Tech Artist

Attending droidcon definitely got me more interested in Mobile, especially Flutter, thanks to the interesting presentations on the topic with guests from different backgrounds and experience. Critical Techworks presentation on their BMW project and Benjamin Kadel’s take on Git, demystifying this complex topic in the funniest possible yet interesting way, were definitely my favourites. – João Pereira, Junior Software Developer

Droidcon Lx 20222 was an interesting experience thanks to the introduction to different technologies and solutions to tackle any challenge. The guests were always able to catch my attention even with unknown subjects to me and there was always a presentation to attend at all times. – Nuno Aguiar, Android Software Developer

We can’t wait for the next edition! See you in 2023, droidcon Lisbon!

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