Exaud Blog

Droidcon London 2022: Back to the UK!
Learn all about our trip to droidcon London 2022! Posted onby Exaud
2022 is the year we go back to our favourite events and thankfully,
Droidcon London
was one of them! Although we already been to Droidcon Lisbon this year,
nothing beats the British experience.
Here’s our team’s comments on this year’s edition:
‘Droidcon London 22 surpassed my expectations. There were a lot of different companies attending as well as lot of speakers, which made hard to choose which one to go listen to. The one that sparked my interested the most, was the future of Bluetooth connectivity by Walmyr Carvalho. There were also some talks about AOSP that were interesting as well.’ – Nuno Aguiar, Android Developer
‘Droidcon London 22 was really diverse. As someone who’s not primarily an Android dev, I can say that all talks were quite accessible and beginner friendly. Unfortunately, there were a lot of talks that I wish I could attend, but couldn’t. Some that I enjoyed most:
– Test-Driven Design in Android: Todd Yates tells us about his experience working with Test-Driven Design (TDD). He goes over benefits of TDD, how hard it is to get right at first, mistakes that he experienced, how he got over them, and provided an example of how to apply it to a complex system.
– Android ANRs: Jamie Lynch talks us through Application Not Responding (ANR) errors, how they occur, some misconceptions, and how to determine their root cause. He points out limitations on information provided by Google Play Console stack traces and Firebase Crashlytics, and provides alternatives to figure out blocking points of the app
– Modularisation: Josef Raska explains how to split your Android app in logical modules that not only separate concerns, but also keep the modules’ dependency graph as flat as possible, such that build times get largely reduced
– Functional Programming: Pascal Welsch explained how functional programming can be used in an object-oriented language such as Flutter. I liked that he gave a practical example on how more maintainable and testable the code in his example became, but he didn’t refrain from disclaiming some limitations/cons about functional programming, but also about Flutter’s specific limitations when it comes to functional programming.
– Flutter on Desktop: Teresa Wu explained how to quickly get started developing Flutter on all major Desktop platforms. Although not quite an Android talk, it should prove to be a useful tool to learn the language in your own computer before jumping to Android.’ – Carlos Pinto, Junior Software Developer
‘Droidcon London 2022 had his share of Compose Sessions, some Flutter
Sessions and a few Sessions about Best Practices, among some other
I really enjoyed one of the last Sessions of the Conference:
“Don’t Kill my App: Android Survival Guide”.
Was not aware of the struggle of a lot of Developers that need to overcome
the challenges about making the Apps be kept working on background while
being restricted by Android Permissions and OEM Battery Policies.’ –
André Lopes, Senior Software Developer and Head of ExaudLab
While you wait for the next edition’s feedback, you can check all of our
live tweets on our
Twitter profile!
See you next year, Droidcon London!
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