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Highlights from Droidcon London 2016
Last week I attended droidcon UK, one of the biggest european Android conferences with… Posted onby André LopesLast week I attended droidcon UK, one of the biggest european Android conferences with more than 70 experts and 1500 attendees. It was a great opportunity to enjoy two fantastic days full with interesting technical talks, great people and delicious food.
Following is a list of some of the most relevant sessions that I had the chance to attend. You can check the full information about each session and speaker and watch the full videos (you just need to quickly create a login).
Keynote: VR and AR – Technologies 40,000 years in the making
It all began with the Keynote from Noah Falstein talking about the near
future on VR and AR with Android N and Daydream.
Get Ready for Android Wear 2.0
A session that explores some of the new features that Android Wear 2.0
will bring next year.
Android Data Binding in action using MVVM pattern
An interesting look on how easily it is to use the data-binding to enable
a MVVM design pattern.
What’s New in Android
Chet Haase starts the second day talking about all the new things on
Android 7.1.
Android Application Security, The Right Way
One of the most interesting sessions where Dario Incalza covers some best
practices regarding Security on Android.
Practical Bluetooth LE on Android
Personally, a session that allowed me to consolidate the sparse knowledge
on BLE stack in a session that presented clearly the way to handle BLE
Why developers need to get involved in AR & See-Through Smart
Eyewear NOW! And how they can get started
A very interesting session from EPSON presenting new products to be
integrated with AR
Overall, it was a great personal and professional experience. It allowed me to learn some technical bits about Android, as well as meeting some interesting people. In Portugal we have a saying, “Christmas is when a man wants”. Probably, this is not applicable to Android conferences, so I’ll have to wait another whole year for the next one. So be it! Until then…[/[/[/
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