Exaud Blog

Introducing Our Team: Meet Carlos Ferreira
Today, we present you Carlos who is with Exaud since the beginning of this year. Find out more about how he became a developer! Posted onby Exaud
As we want you to know who is behind all the incredible projects we
develop at Exaud, we have been introducing our team in the lasts years.
We think that it is important for you to know who are our developers and
what are their favorite things and hobbies.
Today, we present you Carlos who is with Exaud since the beginning of this
year. Find out more about him!
Tell us a bit about your journey and how do you become a developer.
Well, it all started in high school, when I decided to go to a computer
technology course. Because of that decision, I started having programming
classes at 15 years old. Until then, the only thing I used the computer for
was to play video games (and sometimes I still do).
My academic degree is Masters in Networks and Systems Engineering from
which I graduated in 2013. From all of the technologies and programming
languages I worked with, I spent more time working with Java, developing,
and maintaining Android apps.
It’s been almost a year since you join our team. How has it been for you?
It has been a great experience. I am learning new things almost every day
and the company has a great work environment. Our team has a good know-how
and we share knowledge almost every day.
I have been working with external sensors, computer vision and POS devices.
I had the opportunity to work in very interesting projects.
What do you do in your time outside of Exaud?
In my free time, I like to test new Android libraries and architectures to try to keep me updated with the latest trends. Outside of programming, I don’t watch much TV. I spend most of the free time on youtube, playing guitar and more recently, playing piano.
Fun Facts
If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would it
I love meat dishes. I wouldn’t mind eating spare ribs or barbecue chicken
for the rest of my life. If I turn vegetarian I have no idea what I would
What job would you be terrible at?
Well, I would probably be a terrible florist. I would have to memorize the
names of the flowers and to do flower arrangements that would sell…
If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have
a good chance at winning a medal for?
I think I might have a good chance at winning a medal in a “spot the flaw”
challenge. I detect very easily if something is aesthetically wrong or if
something doesn’t work as it should. I can spot flaws in anything, it can be
an Android app, a drawing, a website or just poorly written text.
Working at Exaud is more than just a job. Want to come along for the ride? We’re always looking for great people to join us. Check our current openings here and meet other members of Exaud’s team.
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