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Introducing Our Team – Meet Daniel Dias

Turns out that if you help your family way too much with their personal computer, you might turn into a software developer. At least that’s what Daniel Dias says! Get to know him better! Posted onby Exaud

Yes. You’re about to meet another Daniel! Daniel Dias joined Exaud last year when he was still living in London. Now he’s back in Portugal and he’s a remarkably talented developer (with a hint of sass!).

Tell us a bit about yourself and why you became a developer.
I am, as many before me, a full time geek, who liked math and fixed every piece of device with my loyal customers giving 5 star reviews, aka my family. They were expecting me to be a doctor, but to be honest it is their fault, since they showed me a hungry market of people that can’t figure out why the PC does not boot without power. Also, I was aware of the company’s goodies.

You’re fresh out of uni! Which academic project was the most challenging and which one was the most fun to bring to life?
Probably doing an automated, self sufficient greenhouse to plant veggies.

When you’re not coding what do you do for fun?
I have always been an extroverted person with a lot of energy, which made me turn to a bunch of different physical activities such as karaté, football, golf and ultimately the gym. I love waking up early and going for a run before work or going to the gym after a long day of work. I find it relaxing both physically and mentaly. However, I also have some “indoors” hobbies such as reading, which I would like to do more often. When I become obsessed over a trilogy, you will see me reading e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.

Fun Facts:

If you could pick a superpower which one would you choose?
Speed. Imagine being late to something and there is traffic, with just a snap of a finger you could be anywhere. Waking up and going to Paris for breakfast and then coming back in time for work. Doing insanely boring tasks like cleaning or running errands. I would probably still be late though, but it would be fun.

Which TV series can you watch over and over again?
Definitely Grey’s Anatomy… Just kidding xD Never liked watching something multiple times. Why should I? I know the beginning, middle and end of the story, so there is nothing for me to be surprised about. However, I still cry in Lion King when *spoiler alert* Scar lets go of Mufasa and Simba is watching.

Finally, if you could be part of a movie, which one would you pick?
Probably any Disney film, because they are able to find personal growth, love, peace, empowerment, justice and NEMO in roughly 100 minutes.

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