Exaud Blog

Introducing Our Team: Meet Hugo Lourenço
During the last year, we’ve been presenting some of Exaud’s new faces – we believe… Posted onby ExaudDuring the last year, we’ve been presenting some of Exaud’s new faces – we believe it’s important for you to know who we are. Today, we want you to meet Hugo Lourenço, one of our Senior Software Developers.
It’s been over a year since you came on board. How has it been for you?
Exaud is simply a great place to work. Having collaborated with other IT
companies, I can compare and say that the work environment is great, here
the “human factor” is highly valued. Although we are small in terms of team
size (but growing every year), each person is very skilled and dependable
and everyone can learn with everyone. Also, our CEO is a great programmer
himself, which flattens and eases the communication a lot. One can actually
make friends at work and enjoy some team building activities – there a few
already planned. We just cannot discuss futebol preferences yet, but we’re
working on that…
There’s also an extra motivation related to the diversity of projects we
work on, which can either be based on simple business models or trully
rocket science. The fact that we’re involved in several areas such as
mobile, IoT or embedded cutting edge technology makes it possible to
exchange knowledge and learn new skills.
What would you say is your area of expertise?
I currently see myself as someone skilled in the Android ecosystem, from A to Z, and with a quite high degree of ease in answering to our client’s requirements. Nevertheless, Android it’s always evolving and improving in complexity so it’s very challenging to catch with it and be constantly updated. I also have a personal and professional milestone, which is to achieve the same level of knowledge in the IOS ecosystem, having just started a few weeks ago. Hopefully, with the support of the whole tech team, I think that in a few moths, or maybe a year, I’ll achieve a good level in this field.
Do you think your past work experiences affect the way you do things at Exaud?
As a software developer I’ve participated in some quite interesting hi-tech projects in different companies, roles and environments, having contacted and worked with a wide variety of technologies and realities. I believe that the positive examples that I’ve inherited from award winning projects and the knowledge I gained from some failed ones, made me up to this challenge. I think that I’ve been injecting some know how and I believe I’ve been bringing an outside and fresh perspective to Exaud.
What do you do in your time outside of Exaud?
I’m a family guy, so I like to spend quality time with my kids and my wife, at home or outside. Things like enjoying a mountain hike or a walk in the park make my day. I’m also a sports man, I have a small degree of body and mind culture, either by practicing martial arts or doing regular workouts. I’m also a AMN ISN Lifeguard in the summer – I’m very proud of it and deeply interested in everything related with human rescue and life saving subjects.
Working at Exaud is more than just a job. Want to come along for the ride? We’re always looking for great people to join us. Check our current openings here.
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