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Meet João Pinto and see how a Civil Engineer became an Android

Introducing Our Team – Meet João Pinto
João joined Exaud at the end of last year. Read the full interview and see how a Civil Engineer became an Android Developer. Posted onby Exaud
Meet João Pinto and see how a Civil Engineer became an Android
João joined Exaud at the end of last year and now reveals what are his
thoughts about the “next big thing” in tech and what is his favorite topic
to talk about. Read the full interview!
Why did you choose to be a developer? Tell us a bit about your journey
Well, actually when I was 18 I choose to be a Civil Engineer, but after
finishing my master’s degree, I wasn’t founding any interesting job
opportunities. I started looking for different options and, during one
recruitment process, I learned about Udacity and got challenged to finish a
free Java course available there.
The next day, I’ve spent 12 hours learning and those were my first steps in
coding. I liked it so much and felt so engaged that after finishing it, I
started browsing for other free courses available. Luckily, Google sponsored
two Android extensive free courses, which took me 6 months to finish,
because after the first month of learning to code I got my first IT job in
What made you choose Android development over IOS?
Oh, that’s an easy question because Android is better (joking!). Well, I
never owned any iPhone so, there wasn’t much of an opportunity to test code
on a real device. Also, combined with the fact that it was so easy to find
Android coding information for free everywhere, made it so easy to learn and
fell that I was constantly progressing.
My starting point also coincided with the 2017 Google I/O which brought a
big overhaul to the platform introducing Kotlin and Architecture components
making it so much easier to start. I felt I could catch up because everyone
was also learning these new libraries and didn’t felt behind for not having
a degree.
What do you think will be the next big technological advance?
Neurolink and other ways to integrate technology with the human body. There are already many implementations and experiences, but I believe in the future we won’t need to be typing, tapping inputs or speaking so that our devices follow our commands.
Fun Facts
What topic could you spend hours talking about?
What’s the most addictive mobile game you have ever played?
AC Rebellion
What is something you think everyone should do or try at least once?
I think everyone should try coding, it’s not as hard as everyone thinks to
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