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Introducing Our Team – Meet Pedro Mendonça

Have you met Pedro Mendonça? He became a developer by accident, is a board-game lover and will get almost every Michael Schur series’ memes. Posted onby Exaud

We’re happy to introduce you to one of our Junior Developers, Pedro Mendonça. He became a developer by accident, is a board-game lover and will get almost every Michael Schur series’ memes.

Tell us a bit about yourself and why did you become a developer.

It was a little bit by accident. At the time I had no idea what to choose for my college degree, but I always felt really comfortable around computers and technology so, why not? Took a chance and turns out I really like it. Having the opportunity to work on something that can have some impact on people’s life’s is dream of mine and this job makes that possible.

What’s the most challenging thing about working and studying at the same time?

Definitely time management. I’m not good at it, and I wish I could be better, but being obligated to do something you are not good at is a good thing and forces to become better over time.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Not sure. I’d like to think that would be doing the same job, probably in a slightly higher position or something on those lines but life changes in a blink of an eye and you can’t always control that. As long as everyone I have to take care of is fine, I’m going to be fine too.

When you’re not programming, what do you enjoy doing?

Watch TV series like Parks and Recreation, The Office, HIMYM. I also play MTG sometimes and a lot of board games. Who doesn’t like spending 3 or 4 hours playing a game of Monopoly where there are no rules at all!?

Fun Facts:

If you could go on an adventure with a fictional character, who would you choose?

Gandalf. He’s wise. He would know where to go and what to do.

What’s the weirdest piece of information your brain decided to retain?

Never move your f-pawn. It’s a chess thing.

If you had the chance to travel through time just once, what place and time would you pick and what would you do?

I’d travel to sometime around the 1850’s somewhere in United States, probably New York. I would probably design something with the knowledge I have from the 2000’s and 2010’s and become rich. I feel like the rich people of the 1850’s had a really good time.

Working at Exaud is more than just a job. Want to come along for the ride? We’re always looking for great people to join us. Check our current openings here and meet other members of Exaud’s team.


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