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The Role of Technology During The Covid-19 Crisis

It’s impossible to ignore the role of technology during the pandemic and our lives wouldn’t be the same without it. Posted onby Exaud

It’s impossible to ignore the role of technology in the last two months. With most of the world quarantining or slowly getting back to ‘normal’, the truth is we were able to fight the pandemic and its repercussions thanks to several technologies.

We share some of those that made an impact on how we dealt and are still dealing with the current pandemic and why they play an important role in our society.

Information And Communications Technologies (ICT) Are Essential

The Internet has been looked down by many, even seen as a luxury asset instead of essential. Yet, we’ve been able to work, study and shop remotely during the pandemic thanks to it. We also access news and information through it at any time. A lot of businesses are keeping their heads afloat thanks to it due to the amount of technologies that rely on stable, high-speed and affordable internet connections. 

We Can Go Remote With The Right Tools

Thanks to cloud technology, work collaboration tools, virtual meetings and, once again, ICT, our home quickly became an office space, not only reducing risks of contamination but assuring that our jobs were ours to keep, as well as business continuity. The same applies to education and distance learning: educational programs were implemented, making sure students wouldn’t have to take the toll of disruptive changes thanks to all education establishments closing. A lot of businesses have been incorporating technology into learning methods which also include artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality completely adapted for students.
You can also check our blog post about remote work and learn more about our favorite tools. 

Online Shopping and Deliveries Are A Thing

Online shopping quickly went from ‘this is a convenient service’ to ‘this is an essential service’.
Although this reality is exponentially evolved in some countries like China and the USA, featuring ‘happy hours’ for orders and deliveries, as well as one day deliveries and deliveries by drone, it has become popularized in other parts of the world. Online shopping and deliveries ask for a well made and implemented logistics and technological system which opens an opportunity for new businesses as well.
If you’re interested, you can check some very interesting statistics about consumer habits during the pandemic here.

Pay by Contactless or Digital

Digital payments might sound like an over the top solution for consumers yet they became not only handy but essential to stop the spread of Covid-19.
Most establishments prefer these methods over traditional ones and chances are that nowadays you’ll be able to find very easily an establishment that accepts contactless payments by card or e-wallet

Online Entertainment Has Pull Us Through Quarantine

With everyone confined to their homes and limited in-person interaction, online entertainment has been undeniably helpful during these past months. Online streams, virtual tours, gaming and other solutions kept us entertained and sane during lockdown, offering us content to distract everyone after a long day of remote work and overall uncertainty about the current state of the world.
If you’re bored and don’t know how to keep yourself busy, we have some training suggestions and there’s plenty of fun lists like this LA Times one.

From Traditional Business to E-Business

A lot of traditional businesses are now digital.
Thanks to online ordering and deliveries with proper e-commerce platforms, restaurants, smaller groceries stores and other locals businesses are able to keep everything running during the pandemic. Gyms are now streaming classes for their clients. And most of all, everyone is reinforcing their communication through social media. 

Which technologies would you add to the list?

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