Exaud Blog

The Best of Exaud during 2017
2017 was an incredible year for Exaud. Our development team grew, launched some cool mobile apps and worked on interesting projects with our clients and partners. Posted onby Exaud2017 was an incredible year for Exaud. Our development team grew, we’ve moved to a new and bigger office, participated in a few international events, launched some cool mobile apps and worked on interesting projects with our clients and partners. Check out our most important milestones:
#1 Exaud Moved to a New Office
Exaud team has been growing. During this last year, 7 new employees came onboard and the need of a bigger space was mandatory. In January we’ve moved to a newly refurbished building in Ermesinde, a city in Greater Porto area. See some pictures of our new space.
#2 João Internship
After a 9-month internship at Exaud, João Tavares, a Junior Software Developer, was invited to join the team on a full-time position. Not only he said yes, as he put together a few thoughts about his first work experience.
#3 Mobile World Congress 2017
In February, Exaud went to Barcelona to pay a visit to one of the biggest annually held events in the mobile industry, Mobile World Congress. Check out the best ideas and projects that caught our attention.
#4 Infotainment Wars
Infotainment is the most exposed kind of automotive software that most drivers interact with. The battle between carmakers and software giants to dominate your in-car experience has been going on for years. See who’s winning in car tech, according to Exaud’s General Manager.
#5 Portugal 2020 Funding Approved
Exaud’s Portugal 2020 project was approved and the company will gradually receive financial incentives to expand its software development services internationally and increase its presence in key markets. Find out more about this program.
#6 INNROBO 2017
Exaud had the chance to attend the sixth edition of Innorobo, one of the biggest robotics and innovation summits in Europe, held at Les Docks de Paris. See what were the highlights of this tech show.
#7 Exaud among Top 10 Wearable Development Companies List
Exaud was nominated as one of the Top 10 Wearables App Development Consultants by Top App Creators, a business listing service that highlights the foremost app development companies across the globe. Exaud has developed several wearable applications and innovative concepts for Apple Watch and Android Wear, being the most recent one TypeIt Wear Sms for Android Wear.
#8 Blog Updated
Our team has been working to create unique content that helps our clients to address some challenges. Whether you’re an agency or a software developer working on a mobile app project, you might have found these problems. Check our contributions: “5 Questions to Ask Before Developing a Mobile App”, “How to Perform an Effective Code Audit”, “Android O Developer Preview: What you need to know”.
#9 Android 8.0 Oreo is Here
Android 8.0 Oreo might be one of the most important updates that Android has done to its platform, especially due to Project Treble, which dramatically change how System Updates are handled. Read more to find out the biggest changes that came with this new OS.
#10 WEB Summit
Like in 2016, Exaud went to Lisbon Web Summit 2017 to showcase its offering, share recent software projects with potential clients and get to know other cool innovative companies. If you didn’t have the chance to attend, you can see our highlights from the event.
What do you think of our year? If you don’t want to miss any update from our team and work, subscribe to our newsletter or just send us an email to hello@exaud.com
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